Cybersecurity Attack Prevention for Small and Medium Size Businesses

Posted on September 24, 2016
By: Simplistic IT

Cybersecurity Attack Prevention for Small and Medium Size Buisinesses is a fast growing problem. Small and Medium sized Buisinesses are experiencing more cyber attacks now than ever before. In fact, 62% of all data breach victims were SMBs. When you lack a cybersecurity staff and have only a limited amount of resources, protecting sensitive data is a challenge – and many small businesses don’t even take security seriously. Over 80% of SMBs underestimate cyber threats and believe they’re not large enough to be a target. The moral of the story: SMB’s should focus on cybersecurity just as much as larger enterprises do.

Why Hackers Target SMBs

With technology ever evolving, SMBs struggle more than larger companies to adapt to cyberspace. As a result, smaller organizations rarely have the proper security in place to prevent, or even recognize, a cyber attack. Here’s why:

  • Little to no dedicated IT staff
  • Less likely to invest in security trainings
  • Less likely to keep computer systems updated
  • Hackers target vulnerabilities, and not specific users or organizations

Cybersecurity Tips for SMB’s

Get a Hold of Your Data

Identify and analyze information assets. You should consider whether the data you store and transfer is truly necessary for business operations. All users within your organization should be conscious of the types of data being collected, and your business should have security measures in place that effectively manage and protect your data.

Secure Your Network

All businesses have sensitive data, but not all the data needs to be connected to a network. Hackers can’t read, steal, or delete sensitive data if it not connected. SSL encryption is also essential to building consumer trust with sensitive data and allows employers to defend against negligence claims for data breaches. Your organization must also have Wi-Fi-passwords to prevent outsiders from connecting to the network.

Strong and User-friendly Sign-on

Strong passwords are critical to protecting your IT environment. Many security solutions offer two-step or two-factor authentication to prevent cyber attacks. Two-step authentication calls for an extra layer of security to make sure that employees cannot log into company accounts without a special code being sent to their mobile device. Single sign-on methods also provide more security and make it more convenient for the user with only one password.

Invest in Cybersecurity Training

Don’t have a dedicated IT professional on your team or need to spruce up your team’s cybersecurity skills? Invest time in training employees on everything they need to know about computer security. From recognizing cyber threats to avoiding phishing attempts, make sure your team is well prepared on how to recognize threats and protect your infrastructure against an attack.

Cybersecurity is Not JUST a Technical Problem!

Too often, business managers consider cybersecurity to be a factor only for the IT department. However, it is crucial for executives to devise a security strategy for their business, then execute on that strategy daily. Security software is necessary, but not sufficient enough, to address hacking concerns alone. Cybersecurity is not  JUST a technical issue, it’s an informed business decision and should be weaved into your SMB’s company culture.

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